

Pictures of home

22 July 2022

Digital print is pretty well essential for producing one-off personalised products, which means that it’s a great market to explore if you’re already suitably equipped,…

Vivid unveils new taping system

19 April 2022

Vivid Laminating Technologies has unveiled the VeloTaper, an automated system that applies double-sided tape to a variety of substrates.

2021 – the year that was

6 January 2022

There were plenty of technology introductions and highlights in 2021, here's a round up of the most important.

Vivid ups VeloBlade Volta range to B1

29 April 2021

Vivid has introduced a B1 format version of its VeloBlade Volta cutting table to accommodate the larger press size or long-sheet SRA3 work.

SOS and Vivd join forces

16 October 2019

Service Offset Supplies and Vivid Laminating Technologies are coming together to host an open day at the Royal Air Force Museum in Hendon.

Digital Printer