Brilliant Media has invested in a large Kongsberg XP Auto cutting table, supplied by Duplo UK, to win and build effective cross media campaigns. 

The company hopes that the purchase will provide its clients with a way to improve communications and to come up with interesting ways to engage with consumers.

Simon Tabelin, managing director, said, ‘The reason why the variety we all consume information by different means. Some of us feel comfortable just in the digital world, whilst others feel more at home with printed communications or if the stats are to be believed, in a world of Social Media, Instagram and Augmented Reality. Whichever is the most effective (and that’s normally a multiple channel campaign), that’s too where we need to position Brilliant, so it can accommodate those needs’. 

A number of new applications are now possible with the cutter such as 3D paper and card engineered marketing, supported by 3D printing, 3D videos and Augmented Reality to generate captivating campaigns as well as being able to show potential products to clients, prior to production. 

Simeon Chodosh, assistant managing director, said ‘One of the other key, applications for our new computerised cutting table, is personalised die-cutting. ‘Finishing makes the job, and we are working on propositions and pitches where making an impact in terms of uniqueness, and ensuring the piece is relevant in look and feel to the person it is being sent to, can be the difference to winning new business or not.’