Spandex’s ImagePerfect plant in Lancaster


ISO 14001:2015 accreditation has been awarded to Spandex for its ImagePerfect manufacturing site in Lancaster.

The 7,000sqm factory manufactures media products for ImagePerfect, Spandex’s own brand of self-adhesive signage and digital films for sign and graphics producers. ISO 14001:2015 is an environmental management system that includes a set of tools and standards for companies looking to manage their environmental responsibilities. Spandex has achieved its goal of zero waste to landfill at the Lancaster site, with all physical waste now recycled or converted to fuel.

‘Our aim in pursuing the ISO accreditation was to adopt and fully embed a structured framework for improving all environmental aspects of the business,’ explained Francis Obi, Operations Manager, Spandex Lancaster. ‘This includes maintaining our site policy of zero waste to landfill and a commitment to the reduction of energy consumption and waste solvents.’

Through investment in its factory oxidiser the site has halved its VOC emissions, achieving typical levels of less than 10mg per Nm3, significantly lower than the UK standard of 50mg per Nm3. Other areas taken into account for the accreditation included Spandex’s environmental policy and proactive management of all waste streams. The company also complies with all relevant environmental law around pollution control and waste management and has targets in place for continued carbon footprint reduction.