Edinburgh-based print company GMP Print Solutions has purchased a ColorJet Verve Mini after a live demonstration by QPS and has already seen a marked improvement in production. Praising the impact the new LED UV curing flatbed printer has had on business, GMP revealed the machine has significantly improved efficiency and overall flexibility.

With a strong focus on sustainability, the company is committed to delivering customers a planet-friendly service, carbon balancing all its print products at no extra cost. Such is the popularity of this service offering, it has experienced a strong increase in demand, with the company taking the decision to bring more work in-house to maximise profit on all printed projects.

‘Following analysis of product trends and our customer sales, we identified a quick win for all by offering more efficient printing to our customers,’ said Andy Stuart, joint managing director at GMP.

‘GMP gets involved in many exhibitions and events across the UK, both supplying and installing wayfinding, display graphics and other large event materials. This investment was the correct piece of machinery at the correct time in our business’s development and aligned with customer need.’

The GMP team visited QPS – a long-term supplier to the business – for a live demonstration of the machine, having considered the options available on the market, before opting to invest in the printer.

‘Our market investigations based around ideals of size, flexibility, efficiency and asset value in a compact footprint led us to a few machines on the market,’ Mr Stuart said. ‘QPS have been a supplier to GMP over many years, and introduced us to the ColorJet Verve Mini machine at their showroom in Burscough.

‘When we saw the capability and flexibility of production, matched to our own ideals of footprint and deck size, it was an easy deal for us to conclude. From day one of installation, the machine has proved itself to be exactly what we – and our customers – needed and continues to improve what we do.’

The positive impact the ColorJet Verve Mini has had on production at GMP has greatly improved efficiency, quality of production and the ability to supply products at incredibly short notice for customer events.

‘From a purely product expansion perspective, the ColorJet Verve Mini is a supremely flexible machine that can produce any number of promotional printed items, direct-to-substrate production, the list goes on,’ Mr Stuart said.

‘As we expand our own knowledge and capabilities, we expect this machine to be an integral part of our production workflow for GMP’s future business. We are already aiming high, with our mantra of ‘go-big or go-home’ always in our minds!’ he concluded.