Onyx has launched three new Epson Edition Rip packages for Epson SureColor printers, available through UK and Ireland distributor ArtSystems.

The RipCentre Epson Edition will support the SureColor 30600, 50600 (four colour) or 70600 (eight colour) printers. This costs 25% less than the standard RipCentre retail price. ArtSystems said it offers ‘dependable and reliable colour output to those looking for a value solution.’

The PosterShop and ProductionHouse Epson Editions are intended to give ‘more flexibility and extra value.’ Both these Special Editions feature the full driver set for most wide format printers including the five and 10 colour SureColor printers. 

They also include more than £1200 of free extras, according to ArtSystems. These  include an additional Rip engine to process at least two files at the same time, a one-year membership to the Onyx Advantage upgrade and update programme and a free day of Rip operator training at the ArtSystems Academy in Nottingham.

The Epson Edition Packages are available through the Epson wide format channel partners and the promotional offer will run until the end of March 2013.

Contact: www.artsystems.co.uk