Robin Sumner, chairman of Romax, has high aims for his company

With a recent investment in Fastbind photobook finishing equipment and with its new Photoleaf brand leading the line, Romax has set itself a target to become the market leader in photobooks. 

The Greenwich-based company is currently better known as a designer, digital colour printer and mailing house, specialising in database management and distribution. It has given itself five years to become the market leader, a difficult challenge for a company, which has only just recently entered this market.

Robin Sumner, chairman, said, ‘Although we are concentrating on our core skills and are optimistic for future longer term growth, we needed another string to our bow where we could quickly build up a new and profitable area to complement the service we offer to our business to business customers.’ 

‘At the same time we wanted to diversify into the consumer market, which is why we set up Photoleaf, our direct to consumer web based photobook service. We are also offering an online service for use by photographers and other professionals to reach their customers,’ he added. 

The equipment used, from Ashgate Automation, includes a Fastbind Elite XT large format perfect binder, a Casematic H46Pro casemaker, a FotoMount F46e large format ‘lay-flat’ binder, a BooXter Trio staple binder for books with narrow spines or where a variety of different stocks need to be bound together and a Lamiat 470 pressure roller.