The SM10 at Character Mailing is a bespoke machine which offers a unique configuration to the UK market


Character Mailing has doubled the speed of envelope enclosing with a Sitma SM10 from Engelmann & Buckham. 

The mailing house has installed a custom-made, Sitma SM10 envelope enclosing machine and Sitma poly wrapping machine designed with 25 stations and 23 feeders. The SM10 can run at speeds up to 12,000 envelopes an hour – twice the speed of the company’s previous machine.

‘The SM10 is already making a huge difference to our business, we are seeing an increase of 30-40% in our rates and the machine is still not fully optimised,’ observed Mark Manville, managing director. 

‘We are delighted that the Sitma machine is making such a difference to their business already,’ said Richard Maclean, sales director at E&B. ‘We’re looking forward to seeing the progression over the next few months.’

The SM10 is already in constant use but Character Mailing plan to spend the next few months building up the speed of the machine to achieve full capacity at the start of 2017.