Survey findings were published in the May/June issue of Paper360


Results from a global survey on the “Attractiveness and Sustainability of Paper and Print” commissioned by Two Sides show a clear preference for print on paper.

Conducted in June 2016, the survey of 7000-plus consumers across Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, the UK and USA provides evidence that people react to the physicality of print on paper in a more fundamental and human way than when using digital options. Individuals working in the paper, printing, or allied industries were excluded from the survey.

Findings from the survey showed that 64-80% of respondents prefer reading from paper to reading off a screen. In addition, 71-79% enjoy the tactile experience of paper and print and agree that, compared to other media, print on paper is more pleasant to handle and touch.

The option to continue receiving printed information because it provides a more permanent record was chosen by 62-79% of respondents, while 72-77% would be unhappy if they were asked to pay a premium for paper bills and statements.

Read the full report, published in Paper360here.