Open to members of the Stationers and non-members alike, anyone under the age of 40 is invited to apply


The fifth annual Young Stationers’ Prize is open for entries. The prize, run by the Worshipful Company of Stationers and Newspaper Makers, the 47th Livery Company of the City of London, sets out to recognise outstanding talent and achievement among those under 40 across a range of qualifying professions and sectors across the communications and content industries.

Open to members of the Stationers and non-members alike, anyone under the age of 40 is invited to apply to one of the five industry sector Awards. The overall Prize winner will be selected from the winners of the five Awards, on the basis of their career success, contribution to the sector in which they are working, or broader achievements in interesting ways which are relevant to the ethos and trades of the Stationers’ Company.

Nominations or applications from all of the Stationers’ trades are eligible, including print, paper, packaging, and books.

Dominic Graham, chairman of the Young Stationers, said, ‘We have added the five sector Awards to make the Prize more inclusive, and representative of the breadth of trades within the Company. These will enable us to recognise and celebrate more of the incredible young talent within our industries.’

The deadline for applications is Friday, 15 June 2018. The winners will be announced at the Young Stationers’ Annual Dinner, on Monday, 16 July 2018. The shortlist will be announced in the preceding weeks.